天天Like Father. Like Son. Like No Other. "Sr." is a lovingly irreverent portrait of the life and career of maverick filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. that quickly devolves into a meditation on art, mortality, and healing generational dysfunction.
天天Like Father. Like Son. Like No Other. "Sr." is a lovingly irreverent portrait of the life and career of maverick filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. that quickly devolves into a meditation on art, mortality, and healing generational dysfunction.
回复 :欧文(切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor 饰)本该过着平淡而宁静的生活,无奈他非法移民的身份让他遇上了大麻烦。一次意外中,欧文莫名其妙的成为了警方追捕的对象,无奈之下,他只得放弃了安稳的工作,前往英国避难。在那里,欧文住进了一间四处都散发出腐败气息的小旅馆,并在那里找到了一份旅馆午夜守门人的工作,风浪眼看这就要平息,这时,一个秘密的出现让欧文寝食难安。在修缮厕所管道的时候,欧文无意中触动了暗藏在其中的机关,一个肮脏的,充满了血腥的世界展现在了欧文的眼前。原来,表面上是旅馆老板的斯尼基(塞吉·洛佩兹 Sergi López 饰)实际上是一位贩卖人体器官的罪犯,而当斯尼基得知欧文撞破了他的秘密后,危险和威胁随之而来。
回复 :《心之全蚀》波兰新浪潮女导演阿格涅丝卡·霍兰导演的悬疑犯罪片,改编自波兰国宝级女作家奥尔嘉·朵卡获的小说,讲述60岁的英语老师在波兰森林中照看一个度假屋,但是越来越多的狩猎者在森林中神秘死亡,而警察似乎也束手无策,影片以动物保护为表象,映射了这个社会弱小群体的一些不公遭遇。男人们(权力者)为了满足自己丑陋欲望,虐待的不仅是动物,还有女人,孩童等处于弱势的群体。
回复 :While on a botanical expedition in Tibet Dr. Wilfred Glendon is attacked in the dark by a strange animal. Returning to London, he finds himself turning nightly into a werewolf and terrorizing the city, with the only hope for curing his affliction a rare Asian flower.