回复 :在第二季圆满收官后,我们回到迪丽斯库阿特农场,却发现一切都乱作一团。议会强制关闭了餐厅,天气又毁了庄稼。杰里米迫切需要寻找新的收入来源,于是他开始涉足养猪、山羊袭击和蘑菇山的世界。与此同时,晋升为农场经理的卡莱布面临着一位讨厌的对手。这是迄今最有趣且最令人心碎的一季。
回复 :想象一下,连环杀手一次又一次的侵入到被害人的脑中,直到被害人祈求永久地死去。这一次,美丽的女探员换成了苔丝·圣地亚哥。
回复 :Brandy Kirby和邪恶的律师Vincent Mailer想通过伪造一个William和Maida McIntyre夫妇失散多年的儿子,来捞取好处。Brandy于是诱骗赌徒Lefty Farrell假扮这个儿子。McIntyre的侄女,喜欢Lefty,将他介绍了McIntyre夫妇,老夫妇很快相信了这就是Lefty他们的儿子,但老人却不肯修改遗嘱。Lefty不敢杀害McIntyre,而说穿了Mailer的骗局。(文:life_is_good@YDY)Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son. Kathy, the McIntyre's niece, who likes Lefty, introduces him to the McIntyres who soon become convinced he is their son, but the old man refuses to change his will. Lefty balks at killing McIntyre and exposes Mailer's attempted swindle. Brandy and Lefty end up together as "two of a kind."