久久精品Sara is offered the perfect apartment: roomy, very bright, luxurious and so inexpensive. There's just one problem: she can't move in until the current owner, the elderly Lola, dies.
久久精品Sara is offered the perfect apartment: roomy, very bright, luxurious and so inexpensive. There's just one problem: she can't move in until the current owner, the elderly Lola, dies.
回复 :一支探险团队历时4个月,水上行驶近2500公里,穿越3个国家,探秘地球深处珍稀的原始荒野湿地。
回复 :David(古天乐 饰)、碧咸(苏志威 饰)、碧咸的妹妹阿Ann(杨恭如 饰)、泉(李灿森 饰)从小一起长大,四人宛如兄弟姐妹,David与阿Ann更是青梅竹马。一日,阿Ann在夜总会做陪酒女郎时被黑道社团洪乐社的老大胜(方中信 饰)看上,随后,Ann在酒吧为David庆祝生日时遇到了胜。David与胜争风吃醋发生了争执,打斗中胜错手误伤了泉,使其成了植物人,悲愤不已的David发誓要帮泉报仇。碧咸好赌欠下高利贷无法偿还,被色魔雄要挟用Ann来还债。胜得知后派手下与David、碧咸一起去找色魔雄谈判,岂料谈判破裂双方大打出手,心狠手辣的David奋勇杀出一条血路,斩杀了色魔雄。一时间David闻名江湖,随后加入了洪乐社。David表现出色,很快获得了胜的赏识,他认为为泉报仇的时机已经到了……
回复 :Emanuelle goes undercover into a prison to expose the corrupted officials who are brutalizing the inmates. Emanuelle is shocked by the horrors and humiliation the prisoners are subjected to, but when her true identity is discovered, she finds herself at the receiving end.