回复 :故事发生在路易斯安那州的一个小镇——Bon Temp。由于日本人发明的一种叫做“真血”(TruBlood)的人造合成血,吸血鬼们可以通过购买的方式获得血液来维生,一夜之间从传说中的怪物摇身变成了普通市民。虽然人类不再是吸血鬼的盘中餐,理论上两者能够和平共处共同生活,但是 对于这些“走出棺材”的生物的理解仍有待加强。宗教领袖和政府官员选择了他们的立场,但是在Bon Temp小镇,审判还未开始。
回复 :在某房地产公司供职的业务员春田创一(田中圭 饰)是一个相貌平平的大男孩,他喜欢巨乳美女,日常经常被上司训斥,被后辈挖坑,事业无成,恋爱无能。偶然的机会,他发现部长黑泽武藏(吉田钢太郎 饰)居然偷拍了许多关于他的照片,而且还经常给他写一些暖心却暧昧的鼓励话语。不久,武藏当面向创一表白,并承诺要为了他离婚。五雷轰顶的创一不知所措,殊不知更大的混乱还等在后面。从总公司调来的后辈牧凌太(林遣都 饰)亲切和蔼,他在住进创一的公寓后不久,竟也向创一示爱。不久后,两个基友更为了争夺创一吵翻了天。对于创一来说,这可真是可怕至极的桃花期……
回复 :Toby's personal life also heats up as his relationship grows with crime reporter Tia Tremblay, who is inexplicably the one person he can't read. Life will be no less dramatic for Toby's colleagues as Sgt. Michelle McCluskey struggles through a complicated marriage with her husband, while IIB head Alvin Klein attempts to protect himself and his team from the political manoeuvrings of the ambitious new police superintendent, Nichola Martell. Meanwhile, new director of emergency services Oz Bey realizes that being the boss is harder than he expected.