回复 :该电影背景设定在 911 紧急呼叫中心的一个早上。呼叫接线员乔·贝勒(吉伦哈尔饰)试图拯救一名危在旦夕的呼叫者,但他很快发现事实并非如此,而面对真相是摆脱困境的唯一办法。
回复 :赫萝西亚(切洛•桑托斯-孔奇奥 Charo Santos-Concio 饰)本是一名与世无争的老师,却因为平白无故遭到诬陷而被关进了监狱,面临着三十年的监狱生活。在这漫长的三十年即将接近尾声之时,赫萝西亚的冤屈被平凡,她被无罪释放了。原来,赫萝西亚在监狱里最好的朋友皮特罗(Shamaine Centenera 饰)承认当初正是自己诬陷了赫萝西亚。就这样,赫萝西亚重新回到了阔别已久的社会中。三十年的时间实在是太长了,这期间,许多事情都发生了翻天覆地的变化。赫萝西亚的丈夫已经去世,儿子莫名失踪,女儿背井离乡。赫萝西亚开始调查这场阴谋背后的真相,发现这一切和自己的前男友(Michael De Mesa 饰)有着千丝万缕的关联。
回复 :Hampus and Adrian's relationship has gone down increasingly destructive paths and during one fateful discussion it all ends. Hampus and Adrian are no more, but in some way they have to go on living. A healing process divided into stages of desperate attempts to reunite as well as rebounds, which sometimes push them further apart and sometimes closer together.