叶问语Follows a woman desperate to escape her town, she meets a stranger who promises a romantic escape, but it results in deceit, mistrust, and violence.
叶问语Follows a woman desperate to escape her town, she meets a stranger who promises a romantic escape, but it results in deceit, mistrust, and violence.
回复 :A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation is more destructive than they feared.
回复 :从小就不合的两兄弟终于在老家阿拉斯加团聚,他们开始了一段2天的野外徒步旅行,怎料却惹上了一只巨大的灰熊,人熊大战就此展开.....
回复 :舞台剧导演张依云,在事业上颇有成就,但苦于一场无爱的婚姻导致自我迷失,深陷痛苦之中,在与同事舞蹈演员周密暗生情愫之后发现自己落入惊天大阴谋......与此同时,剧院男演员Kevin混迹演艺圈多年,却始终郁郁不得志,在得知张依云丈夫(陆山)因车祸去世并留下巨额遗产后,与女友(艾玛)铤而走险,图财害命,最终落得悲惨的结局。