老司Follows the journey in the career of English football great Wayne Rooney, from his professional debut at the age of 16 to becoming Manchester United and England's all-time top scorer.
老司Follows the journey in the career of English football great Wayne Rooney, from his professional debut at the age of 16 to becoming Manchester United and England's all-time top scorer.
回复 :笹野阳介(役所广司)被公司裁员裁掉后又被妻子抛弃,只得流浪街头,通过一位流浪老人之口,他来到遥远偏僻的能登半岛一幢位于河边赤桥下的房子,想找寻老人所说的藏有金佛的盒子,但没能如愿以偿,只遇见体质相当特殊的佐惠子(清水美砂)。佐惠子的特殊在于,当她与男性交合时,体内会分泌出神奇的“暖水”,该“暖水”能令过季的花儿盛开、能把大海的鱼群召到河里。而更重要的,是沐浴在佐惠子“暖水”下的男人,会重拾失去的信心和活力。如此,笹野阳介与佐惠子开始了一次次的交合。
回复 :幕末から明治の激動の時代に生きた福沢諭吉の半生を描いたヒューマン・ドラマ大作。1835年、中津藩の下級武士の家に生まれた諭吉は、やがて仲間とともに蘭学を志し長崎へ留学。彼はそこで頭角を現し、蘭学塾を開くが……。若手俳優の育成に定評の澤井信一郎が、若き福沢諭吉とその周りに集まる塾生たちとの青春群像劇として仕上げた歴史ドラマ。
回复 :A man comes into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. However, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, which takes over his body.