饮料季Scrooge: A Christmas Carol will feature songs from legendary composer and lyricist Leslie Bricusse as it adapts the 1970 feature film that starred Albert Finney in the lead role. The CG animation is due to debut on Netflix in December 2022.
饮料季Scrooge: A Christmas Carol will feature songs from legendary composer and lyricist Leslie Bricusse as it adapts the 1970 feature film that starred Albert Finney in the lead role. The CG animation is due to debut on Netflix in December 2022.
回复 :The green Verdies are the tiny, but brave guardians of the lakeside. The young Verdies only become guardians when their hair turns brown. Until then, however, life is boring. The youngsters with green hair are not allowed to fly on warblers, not allowed to row alone, and they're not allowed to ride wild frogs at the rodeo. Willy Whistle's big dream is to become a guardian, but his curiosity always gets him into trouble. However, the whole lake becomes at risk when the enemies of the lakeside, the Grimps and the swans, enter into alliance. The guardians are helpless, but Willy comes up with a daring plan in order to save his home and his trapped friend, Jeremiah Jump. Luckily he is not alone, because Grandpa, the water snakes and the frogs also come to his aid.
回复 :动画《FateGrand Order 绝对魔兽战线 巴比伦尼亚》改编自同手游剧情第7章。第七特异点——绝对魔兽战线 巴比伦尼亚!本次圣杯探索的舞台为神代,世界最古老的都市文明,魔兽栖宿的乌鲁克之地。第七特异点位于公元前2655年,人类和神明决裂的最初时代。「三女神同盟 」相互勾结要将人类引向灭亡。吞噬乌鲁克的毁灭预言。直面绝对的终焉,最惨烈的战斗已经揭开序幕!
回复 :少女椿(松井良彦 配音)的母亲死于重病,没有亲戚愿意收留这个可怜的孩子,于是,椿跟随着卖花时结识的戴帽子的绅士来到了名为“赤猫座”的马戏团中,在这座破败荒芜的马戏团里进行表演的,都是一些或是残疾或是古怪的“异人”们,在这里,椿悲惨的遭到了他们的凌辱,沦为众人的奴隶,过着苦不堪言的生活。马戏团里新来了一位能够将自己塞进狭窄玻璃瓶的侏儒魔术师,他的表演大受欢迎,很快就令快要倒闭的马戏团赚得盆满钵满,成为了老板眼中的聚宝盆。与此同时,椿和魔术师之间也产生了懵懂的感情,然而,就在两人决定双宿双飞之时,魔术师却遇见了意外一命呜呼。