回复 :Whitney Cameronn (Cotten), a man with a strong affection for his sister-in-law (Peters). When one of her stepchildren dies, it's revealed that the child was poisoned to death. Whitney suspects his sister-in-law committed the murder and is afraid that her other son may be in danger. The film climaxes during an ocean voyage aboard a cruise ship.
回复 :The definitive, adrenaline-soaked story of the birth and boom of the most extreme sport on the planet Freestyle Motocross.
回复 :50多岁的米查·贾努是一名退休的情报官。在发现自己和前妻所生的儿子在山区失踪后,他就像那些会关心孩子的家长那样,立刻踏上了寻子之旅。在几天的搜寻未果后,米查决定自行组织一个救援队,但这也引发了同当地的救援行动小组的矛盾。渐渐地,这位拒绝接受事实、不愿放弃的父亲,陷入了一场同他人以及自然之间展开的疯狂的较量。他能成功“移山”,找到自己的儿子吗?