回复 :《气候创造历史》是德语纪录片,介绍了从尼安德特人到古罗马时期,气候是如何决定来塑造这个社会的。Das Leben auf der Erde ist ein Spielball des Klimas. Wissenschaftler haben die Meilensteine in der Menschheitsgeschichte im Spiegel weltumspannender Klimaentwicklungen untersucht und dabei erstaunliche Zusammenhänge entdeckt. Der "Terra X"-Zweiteiler "Klima macht Geschichte" führt auf eine spannende Zeitreise von der Eiszeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert.
回复 : 德云社孟鹤堂周九良相声专场南京站爆笑来袭。本场节目包括孟鹤堂、周九良表演的《特工学院》;郑好、杨进明表演的《造厨》;孟鹤堂、周九良表演的《还音丹》;关九海、张霄白表演的《文理双修》;孟鹤堂、周九良表演的《鸡犬升天》;高筱贝、侯筱楼表演的《语言艺术》。精彩敬请期待。
回复 :Following the success of 'Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family', engaging presenter and biologist Patrick Ayree returns to investigate our closest relatives in the natural world - primates. 'Monkeys: An Amazing Animal Family' is a lavish documentary that follows Patrick across the globe as he explores the incredible evolutionary rise of dazzlingly different primate species. Today, there are more than 300 species of primates. All of different shapes and sizes, they can jump higher, swing further and solve problems better than virtually any other animal group on Earth. But how and why? Patrick gets up close and personal with apes and monkeys as he climbs the primate family tree. Beginning 60 million years ago in Asia's dense forests, he discovers the origin of the earliest primates and how they conquered the world, making it from South Africa to America where they evolved into the intelligent, inquisitive and more physical members of the primate family that we now know as monkeys. As well as investigating the rise of the apes and the birth of our closest animal relative, the gorilla, Patrick explores why these creatures developed into incredible acrobats and how they evolved to have strong and long tails, loud howls or huge claws. From the tiny mouse lemur to the giant gorilla, Patrick explores them all in a stunning three-part documentary that features gorgeous photography, extraordinary animal behavior and one of TV's brightest new presenting talents.