回复 :街舞老炮儿丁雷(黄渤 饰),偶遇卖艺少年陈烁(王一博 饰),丁雷忽悠陈烁加入自己经营的舞团。舞团内高手如云,性格各异,与陈烁碰撞出不同的火花,笑料不断。陈烁热烈追梦,期待着上场的机会,却发现丁雷邀请他其实另有目的,而丁雷和陈烁,也都将面对接二连三的沉重打击,他们能否逆风翻盘,回击人生难题?
回复 :光头强是一名普通程序员,却常梦见陌生的森林和两头狗熊。直到他跟上司出访大客户,终于想起:他原是森林的小导游,偶然得到一次重新选择人生的机会。为了挽救旧时间线里的熊大熊二,光头强开始一场奇妙的时空冒险。
回复 :Haru, a bookstore clerk, talks to Yukiko pretending to ask for directions. Haru has detected deep sorrow on Yukikoʼs face. Meanwhile, Haru has been spending days following Tsuyoshi discretely and checking his expressions. In the past, when Haru had lost her mother as a junior high school student, she met and talked separately to Yukiko and Tsuyoshi by chance who seemed to suffer from heartache. The action was brought by the remorse that Haru couldnʼt help her mother while knowing her sadness. Haru has kept watching Yukiko and Tsuyoshi now and then. Occasions that Tsuyoshi, who has been aware of Haruʼs behavior, appears at her workplace and Haru once again talks to Yukiko unfold new dimensions in each relationship. Haru confronts with her own feeling toward her mother and grief during the days passing with the two.