AV噜噜 综合
  时间:2025-02-22 23:51:57

噜噜Meek farmhand Sasha and policeman Dima have a fraught relationship. They’re brothers-in-law, travel companions, and⁠—secretly⁠—lovers. Over the course of their journey to visit Sasha’s grandmother, unspoken truths are uttered, intimacy is built, and authenticity is challenged. Although they may be far from the peering eyes of their oppressive society, their relationship teeters on a dangerous precipice.Selected and supported by the IFP Filmmaker Lab and destined to evoke both the breathtaking landscapes of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and the tragedy of a Dostoevsky novel, Viatcheslav Kopturevskiy’s auspicious debut drama is an elliptical and much-needed examination of internalized homophobia, repression, and identity in a remote Siberian town.




回复 :在抗美援朝战争“冷枪冷炮”运动中,入伍两年的任东风在某阵地争夺战中展现出了出色的射击天赋,但也导致战友死于敌军的狙杀枪口之下,成为心中阴影。“特射班”班长高占奎力排众议将任东风纳入麾下,老好人王青成为任东风的观察员,他们在这残酷的战场上与美军狙击王牌舒尔曼展开了一场壮烈的狙击大战。



回复 :The issue of War widow representation in Israeli cinema is one of the most complex for the local industry for it seems to be unique and with a very local and specific iconography.The war Widow is a difficult character to digest. Because this is an especially painful topic in Israel, its mode of representation is almost always problematic.Gila Almagor in Tofano's "siege" is one of the first characters of the "modern" war widows to appear on Israeli cinema screens.The human and social complexity of the status of widows was not represented adequately and personally until her complex and fine appearance in this film.It was mostly Preceded by cliches of heroic women who have sacrificed for the nation with characters to which it was very difficult to get attached, nor to their personal grief."Siege" was directed by an unknown Italian director of that period. Although Gilberto Tofano was brought as a professional director on the wings of inspiration made by the French New Wave of those years, he managed to turn out a very exciting work which has caught the Israeli warmth and sense of social siege which surrounds the Israeli widows, including the great expectations from them and the social stigmas.Tofano wrapped his leading lady with lots of warmth and gave a place of honor to Almagor's impressive presence in the film.This is without a doubt one of Almagor's best and most accurate performances. The restraint in her performance plus the shooting and expressive use of angles by Tofano and his soft European touch which was far off from the aggressive local product managed to produce a sense of documenting an authentic tragedy with a tangible personal touch that minimized the national dimension. The result stands the test of time proudly several decades after its creation.



回复 :导演McG靠拍摄音乐录影带和电视广告片起家,曾经执导过电影《终结者2018》,以拍摄电影《霹雳娇娃》出名。Tuck(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)和FDR Foster(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)是美国中情局的顶尖探员,两人是生死与共的好拍档、好朋友。两人各自身怀绝技,任何任务遇到他们都会迎刃而解。可这两个好朋友却有一个共同的硬伤——都是单身。后来两人分别使用交友网站找到了自己心仪的对象,并认定对方就是可以厮守终身的人。造化弄人,两人竟然爱上同一个姑娘——事业有成的女强人Lauren(瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)。 为了赢得美人芳心,两个昔日好友大打出手,各自使出独门看家本领,更不惜出动中情局的特技武器。而Lauren也因他们各自拥独树一格的特有魅力陷入两难,究竟谁才会成为她的真命天子呢?

AV噜噜 综合
