回复 :大衛與瑪嘉烈相識一年多, 大衛鼓起勇氣向瑪嘉烈提出同居的要求,瑪嘉烈認為大衛現在租的地方不夠兩個人住,提出以她的居所作為彼此的安樂窩,但大男人的大衛卻不希望搬進她的住處。最後二人達成共識,一起重新租一個空間大一點,又近瑪嘉烈上班的地方。二人同居之後發生了大大小小有關生活習慣的爭拗,卻又令感情更進一步。
回复 :赤城元佳(西野七濑饰)在关东地区的港口城市马代长大。 从当地大学毕业后,他在一家kamaboko制造商工作,但他搬到了东京的一家小型广告公司ADventure,目的是成为一名创作者,他从学生时代就钦佩这一点。 马多卡来到东京追逐梦想,但现实并不甜蜜...... 每一天都摆脱了我想象的闪闪发光的世界。 此外,他还承担了一场掌握公司命运的演讲。 这时,马多卡收到了母亲寄来的包裹。 其中包括我小时候玩过的Game Boy Pocket和“Pokémon Red”软件。
回复 :Set in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, Summer journeys nostalgically through the warm middle-Ural summer with eight-year-old Vadim and his half-sister Christina. They enjoy evening festivities with their older teenage friends by the fire, go on mellow skateboard rides, and have a quiet daytime nap in the garden house. Caressed by the sun and the warmth of his relatives, hidden in the quiet tranquillity of the garden and far away from the cruelty of the outside world, Vadim enjoys his childhood days. Acting as a serene lullaby that mimics the movements of a gentle breeze, Summer provides warmth, joy and solace, offering hope and strength for the future.