回复 :As the Allies storm the beaches of Normandy, Hitler orders the return of the Das Reich, the infamous Panzer elite division best known for its mass murders in the Ukraine and in Belarus, based at that time in southwest of France.Its mission: to push the Allies back into the Atlantic and turn the tide of the conflict in favor of the Germans.The SS division, with 15,000 men and more than 200 tanks, faces relentless attacks from the Resistance as it moves north through France.Along the way, it conducts vicious reprisals and massacres of civilians (Oradour-sur-Glane, Tulle). The film will retrace the last year of Hitler’s death squad and their crimes against humanity.We will follow the everyday lives of these SS officers, their recruitment and training on the Eastern Front, and try to understand who exactly were these men who perpetrated the massacres.
回复 :以「魔女」备受景仰的城市为舞台。背负着棺材的男人与双眼有如野兽的少女在此现身,他们追寻的猎物唯有「魔女」而已。当邪恶的「魔女」碰上飢饿的「野兽」,华丽又激烈的战斗就此揭开序幕!
回复 :《少时贪探》是具有“探索”魅力的传奇女子组合少女时代“探索”多彩的综艺世界的节目。在节目中,少女时代成员们将进行真人秀、游戏秀、纪录片等多种形式的内容,证明她们“All Round Player”的称号。该节目由《Camping Club(露营俱乐部)》,《独木餐桌》的郑胜日PD担任导演。