电影The Listener was renewed for a third season on June 1, 2011, and will premiere on May 30, 2012.
电影The Listener was renewed for a third season on June 1, 2011, and will premiere on May 30, 2012.
回复 :It's been a year since Joe Carroll's arrest and Ryan Hardy has moved on with his life. Carroll is scheduled to be executed in a month's time and Hardy has not seen or spoken to him. Ryan also has a new girlfriend, Gwen. Mike Weston is back after a long absence but his relationship with Max Hardy ended when he left. All of those involved have to face a new threat when a small group led by Mark start staging scenes of some the FBI's activities in their pursuit of Carroll. The body count begins to rise rapidly.
回复 :《救救我》改编自赵锦山的网络漫画《走出世界》 ,以人口只有五万名的小城市为背景,讲述了四个无业青年在听到一个女人的求救声后,并没有对此置之不理而发生的故事。玉泽演在剧中饰演无业青年韩尚焕,是一个拥有修长的身形、帅气的外貌和温暖又乐观的性格的人物,因偶然遇见从首尔转学来的林尚美而卷入了神秘事件。徐睿知则饰演被邪教组织控制的林尚美,拥有淡雅的外貌、白皙的皮肤和沉着安静的性格的她因父亲的事业失败而从首尔转学到了乡下,之后因为家中的忧患,父亲开始依赖邪教的教主,她则开始试图从邪教中逃脱。
回复 :Syfy的连续剧《港湾》,根据著名作家Stephen King的中篇小说《The Colorado Kid》改编,由Emily Rose主演。连续剧围绕着精明又自信的FBI特工Audrey Parker(Rose饰演)例行公事来到缅因州一个名叫港湾的小镇。不久以后,她的好奇心使她卷入在这个古怪地方发生的事件中,结果发现这里即是深受超自然能力折磨的人们长久的避风港。随着小镇居民潜在的能力开始显现,Audrey帮助这些走投无路的人,同时发现了“港湾”的许多秘密,其中包括自己与这个神奇的地方有惊人的联系。Audrey开始意识到自己来到港湾可能是被人设计的,她的名字甚至她的记忆也许不是她自己的。随着剧情不断发展,她了解到更多关于“港湾”和自己真实身份的秘密。