乱码Two high profile couples are forced to examine the cost of success when they're invited to an exclusive self-help retreat where their ancestors sold their souls generations prior.
乱码Two high profile couples are forced to examine the cost of success when they're invited to an exclusive self-help retreat where their ancestors sold their souls generations prior.
回复 :In the film set miles from civilization, a blind teenager and the hunter he befriends are tormented by a mysterious creature lurking in the woods.
回复 :倩云的天姿国色,名驰天下,黑道大亨,绰号「吴天」的恶霸,用花言巧语,将倩云诱骗至其别墅,倩云知其身陷虎穴,反抗无方,逃不过吴天的慾火攻心,经被奸杀弃尸于天湖之中……
回复 :一对姐妹回到科罗拉多的家乡小镇,发现镇上所有人都死光了,尸体呈肿状......最后,她们还是找到了两个活人,小镇的警长和副警长。他们没有逃生工具,通讯设施也被毁坏,只好用无线电向外求援。政府派出大量兵力封锁小镇,同期而至的还有一位专门研究远古历史的教授。得出的结论是:发动袭击者不是天外来客,而是被称做“古代敌人"的来自地心的不明生物。他们将共同面对令人心惊胆颤的恐怖异象。影片根据迪恩.孔茨1983年出版的同名科幻小说改编。有评论认为,由于有全球知名的KNB特效公司参与制作,从视觉角度讲述的这个版本,比原作更好看。