老板When a single father to a teenage daughter learns that he has a fatal brain tumor, he takes her on a road trip to find the mother who abandoned her years before and to try to teach her everything she might need over the rest of her life.
老板When a single father to a teenage daughter learns that he has a fatal brain tumor, he takes her on a road trip to find the mother who abandoned her years before and to try to teach her everything she might need over the rest of her life.
回复 :改革开放初期,罗心刚(杨在葆 饰)在广交会上发现本厂生产的凤凰牌产品无人问津,而本厂文革中遭冷遇的设计师申华(刘信义 饰)设计的产品却成了畅销货。罗心刚深受启发,他三顾茅庐请已被迫离厂的申华出山,同时纠正以前人们戴有色眼镜看人的错误观念。他决心走市场化道路,转变过去“皇帝女儿不愁嫁”的传统思想。罗的行动遭到传统势力的阻挠,别人认为他的行为背离了社会主义市场经济原则,面对种种困难,罗心刚始终坚持自已的信念。当看到共青团员巧珍(殷新 饰)因缺乏信仰脖子上带上十字架,他深感十年动乱在青年一代身上造成的信仰危机。改革是多方面的,且刻不容缓。在他人造谣告状,不得已面临下台的千人大会上,罗心刚说出了那段泣血的台词......
回复 :二十八岁的创业青年付豪把新研究的机器人送货上门到都市女强人江诗辰的家里时,机器人忽然坏了,付豪只好假装机器人为当江诗辰服务,两人从最开始的相互排斥,到渐渐产生了爱情,最终有情人终成眷属的喜剧爱情故事。
回复 :Hyun-jun,amusicalactor,makeshismindtogoabroadforfurtherstudy.HereturnstohishometownwherehemeetshiscousinSo-yeon.Aftergettingatasteofthecountrysidewithher,So-yeonmakestheunexpectedconfessionthatshehaslovedhimforalongtime.