回复 :上一世我把家产用來买彩票却失之交臂,再次睁眼已经成为古代首富之子!沒想到原主竟还是个败家子,看來我必須要重振淩家光輝!成为首富再迎娶白富美,走向人生巅峰!
回复 :Martha is at last a QC,making her senior to Reader. Their first case together is defending taciturn thug Brendan Kay,muscle for the infamous criminal Farr family,accused of half-blinding a motorist who fell foul of boss Jody Farr. Martha believes Farr's influential solicitor,sharp Micky Joy and Farr are conspiring to stitch up the innocent Kay for a crime Farr committed. Battling against both formidable prosecutor Caroline Warwick and head of chambers Alan Cowdrey for Farr,Martha finds that Reader proves to be an ultimate help to her. He also has a solo case, defending killer Fatima Ali,referred by female solicitor George Duggan,who resists his efforts to pursue her romantically.
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