身患家族遗传斑毒的摸金校尉传人阿生,菜葉在父亲神秘离家两年后,菜葉意外发现了家中隐藏的金片,根据上面线索来到锦城,结识了好友白春城和白柳,三人一起踏上了寻找传说中的白狐大帝宝藏的旅途, 期间,遇到了同样窥探宝藏的滨田学者、金三及白狐大帝座下妖王赤狐将军都给阿生等人带来了大量麻烦,众人突破重重陷阱设计、险象环生,众人与滨田、赤狐斗智斗勇,一番决战之后,阿生凭借摸金绝艺与白春城合力战胜了邪恶势力。
身患家族遗传斑毒的摸金校尉传人阿生,菜葉在父亲神秘离家两年后,菜葉意外发现了家中隐藏的金片,根据上面线索来到锦城,结识了好友白春城和白柳,三人一起踏上了寻找传说中的白狐大帝宝藏的旅途, 期间,遇到了同样窥探宝藏的滨田学者、金三及白狐大帝座下妖王赤狐将军都给阿生等人带来了大量麻烦,众人突破重重陷阱设计、险象环生,众人与滨田、赤狐斗智斗勇,一番决战之后,阿生凭借摸金绝艺与白春城合力战胜了邪恶势力。
回复 :A clever fortune-hunter with a penchant for murder does in his elderly, supposedly rich, wife and manages to get away with it. After an investigation results in a decision of 'accidental death', our crafty killer discovers that his late wife's 'fortune' is not what he thought it was. Driven to find another unsuspecting spouse; he discovers that his new bride, a widow, is no fool. When she tells him that she intends to keep her accounts separate from his, he is driven to contemplate murder once again
回复 :"The One Hundred" tells the story of a young woman who has just returned from a foreign country. She has to stay at a hotel to quarantine, but then suddenly comes across a monster that can change its shape in a variety of ways, according to the individual that this monster possesses. The concept of the story was inspired by the story of Battambang which was told during the reign of King Rama V.
回复 :一九九九年六月初广州一高尚住发生一宗灭门惨案,两杀凶徒将屋内五女二男杀死,警方精调人手调查,但仍毫无头绪,由于事态严重涉及中、港、澳等地,更有可能与国际犯罪团有关,警方决定将行动升级,并邀请国际刑警特种部队人员正式介入调查,一场斗智斗力的追捕行动即时展开……警员莫少聪发现了罪犯的行踪,但他们以爬山单车飞越多幢大厦,又在街上扫射幼稚园学童制造混乱来逃走。当莫少聪茫无头绪之际,惠天赐竟率领一班电脑高手,破解了网上的密码,追查到程东的行踪,一场斗智斗力的追捕行动即时展开......