春暖Luna is a young embalmer with a strange passion for everything concerning death. One day, during a trip in the woods, she finds two bodies. The first one is a dead woman, the other one is a man who is still barely breathing.
春暖Luna is a young embalmer with a strange passion for everything concerning death. One day, during a trip in the woods, she finds two bodies. The first one is a dead woman, the other one is a man who is still barely breathing.
回复 :当特工人员杰里米·瑞恩斯(斯蒂芬·道尔夫 Stephen Dorff 饰)从昏睡中醒来,却发现自己置身于一个密闭、黑暗的空间里。他能听到马达的轰鸣以及来自周遭的震动,似乎自己正被关在一辆车的后背箱内。他怀疑因为欠下赌资而遭到报复,可是种种迹象表明这次绑架又跟赌博无关。后备箱内有LED计时器一次次倒计时,旁边还配备了无线电。通过无线电,他知道另一个自称白宫外事部官员的家伙也受到同样的待遇,绑架者的目的似乎想从杰里米口中套出一份重大的秘密。对方了然他的一切,连杰里米的女友也尽在掌控之中。杰里米三缄其口,想尽一切办法从后备箱内逃出,绑架背后的真相正慢慢揭晓……
回复 :澳门回归前三天,五位情深意重的杀手。杀手阿和(张家辉饰)与妻子阿静(何超仪饰)带着刚满一个月的孩子重返故地,阿火(黄秋生饰)与阿波(林雪饰)奉黑社会老大大飞(任达华饰)的命令来追杀阿和,但另一对好兄弟阿泰(吴镇宇饰)与阿猫(张耀扬饰)闻讯,为了情义前来阻止。冲突在阿和家突然爆发,又迅速重归平静。最后他们决定一起做一宗大买卖来解救阿和,在谢夫(张兆辉饰)那里,摆放在他们眼前的是两个选择:暗杀蛋卷强(林家栋饰)或者抢夺一吨黄金……最终他们选择了前者,然而却在餐厅和死对头大飞不期而遇,一场恶战难免。
回复 :Five haunted-house enthusiast friends are still trying to recover from the trauma of being kidnapped the previous Halloween by the Blue Skeleton — a group who takes “extreme haunt” to another level. They decide to face their fears in order to move on and go back out on the road to find more haunted houses. However, ominous signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again…