回复 :本剧以主妇こだま的自传改编,描述发现丈夫・研一(中村苍)的性器插不进来,仍持续与对方交往并结婚的女性渡边(山本)久美子(石桥菜津美)为主角的故事。
回复 :In series three, life in the Harper household is as hectic as ever, Janey has left for university and has been replaced in the house by their cousin Abi, who is more than a little accident prone. Ben sees this new addition to their home as a threat to the peace and quiet he's wanted throughout his married life, while Susan is happy to have another woman in the house. As for Michael, he is spending as much time thinking about girls now as his school work. And as if all this was not bad enough for Ben, Nick continued to work on his next hair-brained scheme, whether than means starring as Jesus in the local nativity play or dressing up as a drag queen!
回复 :个性率直的黄玉芬(蔡少芬 饰)在公司的权利斗争中惨被上司乐文(钱嘉乐 饰)陷害而降职,芬自此视之为敌人。这时芬家中的杂货店因为业主林祖光(郑敬基 饰)收回将要关闭,玉芬的姐姐玉琴(梅小慧 饰)用尽办法希望祖光能打消收楼的念头,没想到乐文再次从中作梗,让玉芬与乐文的关系更陷入僵局。而就在这时,令玉芬更加恼火的是自己的弟弟玉得(邓少尊 饰)与乐文的妹妹乐惠(邝文珣 饰)相恋并发生了关系。乐文因为女友的移情别恋而深受打击,玉芬不忍而安慰乐文,两人化敌为友。乐文极力撮合朋友家明(马德钟 饰)与玉芬,就在家明与玉芬即将结婚之际,玉芬发现原来乐文爱上了自己……