机械Two couples rent a secluded house for a weekend getaway, and encounter an odd caretaker while facing a dangerous secret.
机械Two couples rent a secluded house for a weekend getaway, and encounter an odd caretaker while facing a dangerous secret.
回复 :民国年间,一个偏远小镇在战乱中艰难维持着安宁,而在七月十五俗称“鬼节”的这一夜,城中却出现了“百鬼出坟”的传言,先是有村民夜中与鬼赌命,又有村中老人头七之夜还魂归来,就连镇长家都出现了“五煞鬼”作祟的连环凶案。随着探长韩铭的深入调查,案情却逐步变得更加波诡云谲——水井深夜冒出血泉、棺材铺掌柜遇鬼买棺、老族长荒庙之中诡异自焚,而一切的源头,都来自在那晚进城的一个神秘戏班子…
回复 :A dark comedy about one man's overreaction! Roma's (Anthony Michael Hall) perfect life unravels when his foreman goes missing and he chooses to fire the wrong guy.
回复 :该剧讲聚焦职业摔角培训机构「怪物工厂」,讲五个摔角手努力进入WWE的故事。