回复 :Seventy years ago this month the bombing of Hiroshima showed the appalling destructive power of the atomic bomb. Mark Cousins’ bold new documentary looks at death in the atomic age, but life too. Using only archive film and a new musical score by the band Mogwai, Atomic shows us an impressionistic kaleidoscope of our nuclear times: protest marches, Cold War sabre rattling, Chernobyl and Fukishima, but also the sublime beauty of the atomic world, and how X Rays and MRI scans have improved human lives. The nuclear age has been a nightmare, but dreamlike too.
回复 :The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's killers, and plans to set a trap to finally capture him. However, soon bodies start piling up, and it looks as if The Hexer may get away yet again
回复 :康纳思(安东尼·特雷奇·克里斯 Anthony 'Treach' Criss 饰)曾经是就职于CIA的超级特工,拥有强健的身体和丰富的经验。一次,在执行拯救总统夫人的任务时,康纳思遭遇了意外,导致了他双目失明,就这样,康纳思不得不和他热衷的特工事业说再见了。一晃眼三年过去,康纳思曾经的上级再度找到了他,不仅治好了他的眼睛,还令康纳思神奇的获得了夜视的特殊能力。凭借着这一能力,康纳思完美的完成了上司派给他的新任务,可是之后,康纳思不仅再度失明,而且还遭到了国家安全局的追捕。原来,康纳思的上司早就遭到了停职处分,为了报复CIA,他哄骗康纳思偷得了毒气炸弹。