回复 :圣诞老人要宣布……蒂姆·艾伦将在《圣诞老人快乐再疯狂》回归。
回复 :姜四对上司楼东海之女碧笙﹝黄曼凝﹞萌生爱意,唯碧笙已有心上人,乃乔天一之幼子乔震宇﹝汤镇业﹞。乔天一之女婉浓对樊老大之子一见钟情,导致日后宝光欲利用婉浓消灭乔家,但因震宇机智,又工于心计,在姚五和姜四相助下,终于消灭樊家。 《豹子胆》顾名思义是天不怕地不怕,这群青年人究竟怎样为名利挣扎,及视死如归呢?
回复 :After getting unexpectedly dumped by her boyfriend, Chelsea (Emily Osment) a high-brow, Harvard-educated intellectual and aspiring novelist is forced to move in with her bubbly, carefree, not-so-intellectual West Coast sister, Claire (Olivia Macklin), and her three lovably eccentric, not-so-intellectual roommates: Grant (Gregg Sulkin), a distractingly handsome personal trainer, Solana (Cinthya Carmon), a former lawyer turned healer, and Jayden (Michael Hsu Rosen), a social media influencer. But Chelsea's tough, sometimes judgemental exterior starts to soften as she gets to know her new friends, and they begin to form an unlikely found family.