曾捍衛自由戀愛的兒子文德,日韩現在成了父親。擋不住三姑六婆的糾纏,日韩他被 逼得上門關心女兒的情事,卻意外遇上同婚專法通過的日子。家中女兒和女 友正為求婚成功而慶祝,文德該如何面對新世代愛情觀的挑戰?
曾捍衛自由戀愛的兒子文德,日韩現在成了父親。擋不住三姑六婆的糾纏,日韩他被 逼得上門關心女兒的情事,卻意外遇上同婚專法通過的日子。家中女兒和女 友正為求婚成功而慶祝,文德該如何面對新世代愛情觀的挑戰?
回复 :名门家族白虎派在当家洪德子女士的带领下蒸蒸日上,三个儿子也很孝顺她。然而表面风光的洪德子却有一件很苦恼的事情,那就是三个儿子都早已到了结婚的年龄却没有一个结婚的。为了家族的兴旺,她给三个儿子下了一道死命令——在她的六十大寿之前找一个出类拔萃能撑的起家业的媳妇带回家。三个儿子集体出动闹出无数笑话终于找到了一位符合母亲条件的女孩子,但这位准媳妇却是一位雷厉风行的女律师,想让家族兴旺不料却使家族陷入了危机。究竟洪德子和她的三个儿子能否度过难关?能不能把这位准媳妇娶进家门?
回复 :Lex (Anna Konkle) and Mani (Jermaine Fowler) are a happily married young couple, running their dream artisanal bakery in Los Angeles and excited about starting a family together. A trip to a tropical island resort for a friend’s destination wedding, coinciding with Lex’s ovulation cycle, feels like the perfect opportunity to conceive. But good vibes and high hopes are cut short when, shortly after their arrival to paradise, Lex accidentally drops her friend’s (Aparna Nancherla, “Search Party”) baby in front of all their friends. Paradise becomes purgatory for our couple as recriminations, passive-aggression and old wounds begin to permeate the island reunion and throw Mani and Lex’s future into deep uncertainty.
回复 :两年前,巴西圣保罗。Edgar和女友Julia在车上调情闯红灯,将Walter的妻子和七岁儿子撞死,在贿赂州议员之后才得以身免牢狱之灾,在经过在美国Miami休整之后,Edgar卷土重来,目标直指贪腐政客