日韩A group of guys living in a Brooklyn brownstone find their way through the harsh realities of life as they enter into their 30's.
日韩A group of guys living in a Brooklyn brownstone find their way through the harsh realities of life as they enter into their 30's.
回复 :故事发生在第一次世界大战时期的非洲。男主人公查尔斯·奥尔耐特是一名因失业而流落到非洲的矿山机械师,女主人公罗斯·塞耶是一位向非洲土人传道的教士。为了抵抗德国人,两人同乘一艘破旧的游艇--“非洲皇后号”,沿河顺流而下。途中,这对个性迥然不同的中年男女不仅产生了真挚的爱情,而且还勇敢地击沉了一艘德国战舰……
回复 :The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki Papoulia, star of the New Greek Cinema (Dogtooth, The Lobster), is a fierce and untamed crime tale, told in larger-than-life images.柏林电影节全景单元
回复 :三位朋友,拍摄一场极限真人秀的录像带,进入了鲨鱼笼潜水,但是没想到,很快会变成一场灾难性的转折,把他们留在巨大的白色鲨鱼出没的水域,把他们的录像变成一本关于生存和死亡的冷血日ccc。