回复 :一群以龚大哥为首的挑夫经过一座山的山口时,被山里庙中的老男人袭击,双方一场恶斗,龚伤了脚腕。众挑夫把龚抬到庙里,挑夫小六子嘱咐女人照顾好龚。不久,小六子身负重伤的回来,报告东洋鬼子已经进山并抓走众兄弟的消息。龚出去为小六子采药,回来却发现小六子和女人抱在一起,龚十分愤怒。东洋鬼子已经来了,龚发誓要挡他们的道。女人也跟着来到了战斗中,却不幸被打死,小六子向龚报告了女人的死讯,与龚一起冲向火海。
回复 :1914年,军阀混战、列强环绕,昭陵双骏离奇失踪,在那个黑暗的年代,历史上最肮脏的夜晚,陕西昭陵李世民陵墓,六座马的雕刻,世称昭陵六骏,价值连城。血腥黑夜,其中两骏却离奇被盗。昭陵守陵人唐振华(田亮 饰)一路追踪到京城,偷运国宝的赶车人当街被杀,线索中断。是杀人灭口还是 另有隐情?各方神秘人物轮番登场,命案背后却隐藏着惊天阴谋......
回复 :A clever fortune-hunter with a penchant for murder does in his elderly, supposedly rich, wife and manages to get away with it. After an investigation results in a decision of 'accidental death', our crafty killer discovers that his late wife's 'fortune' is not what he thought it was. Driven to find another unsuspecting spouse; he discovers that his new bride, a widow, is no fool. When she tells him that she intends to keep her accounts separate from his, he is driven to contemplate murder once again