手工A newly reunited young couple's drive through the Pacific Northwest turns into a nightmare as they are forced to face nature, unsavory locals, and a monstrous creature, known to the Native Americans as Oh-Mah.
手工A newly reunited young couple's drive through the Pacific Northwest turns into a nightmare as they are forced to face nature, unsavory locals, and a monstrous creature, known to the Native Americans as Oh-Mah.
回复 :黎明到夜晚,再从夜晚到黎明,奥斯卡先生在自己的生命中总是在不断地变换着角色。他时而是大老板、时而是杀手、时而是女乞丐、时而又是怪物或者是居家男人。就好像是旅途一般,他总是在这些人物中间乐此不疲。看上去他是在表演、拍电影、演话剧——但是,摄像机却总是缺席。他很孤单,只有赛丽娜陪伴他。赛丽娜是位身材修长的金发女郎,总是在轮胎和引擎的背后,从不现身。她开着巨大的汽车在巴黎和巴黎周边到处转悠。看上去,他就是像是一个杀手,完成着一个又一个目标,从不停歇。为了追求那些虚无缥缈的东西,为了寻找奥斯卡背后的动机,这个女人的背后似乎隐藏了太多的玄机。有人知道他的家在哪里么?有人知道他的家人么?有人知道他什么时候会停下来么?
回复 :民国初年,日本帝国主义妄图侵略中国的阴谋日渐暴露,为瓦解中国传统武术在民间的影响力,扫清障碍,以“女妖”川岛芳子为主谋开始实施侵华“先锋计划”。一时间,华夏腹地上空杀气腾腾,血腥弥漫。“形意”武馆馆主雷同誓死维护中华精神和民族气节令人钦佩,使人动情。川岛芳子心狠手毒,性情放荡,令人发指。“咏春”拳传人石龙深明大义,历经艰险,创立了武学宗派“截拳”,在中华精武史上写下了光辉灿烂的一笔。 本片主演石天龙外形酷似已故武术宗师李小龙,他创建的中国国际截拳道联盟目前会员达二十万之众,开设截拳道学校培训中心遍布全国各地。由他主讲示范的世界首部截拳道教学片,在中央电视台播出,因其相貌、武功神韵宛如李小龙再现,震动海内外武坛。他曾担任“武警北京特警总队”总顾问,并应邀在北京体育大学及全国各地武术体育院校讲学,交流;在国家奥体中心主擂自由搏击——“华武大擂台”;于南戴...
回复 :Film is set in one winter night in Delhi where a middle class, Delhi university guy falls in love with a girl anchoring a fashion show. In process of wooing her someone plants a sting operation tape in his pocket. This sting operation has a minister talking of buying and selling MLAs and media heads from his Swiss bank accounts. Unknown to this he is chased by corrupt cops and ...