回复 :如果睡觉能赚钱,如果做梦能致富,但是要付出代价,你加入吗?18线小编剧桑榆(王大陆 饰)原本生活困顿拮据,但一夜之间却拥有了梦中取物的神奇能力,通过将梦中的宝物变现,潦倒落魄的他成为人生赢家,甚至一掷千金追求到暗恋多年的花儿(宋佳 饰),然而在梦中快意掠取的桑榆却逐渐发现,这场躺赢美梦竟将他的生活推向了失控的边缘……
回复 :This movie is also called "Dust of life" in English and was made by Alex Bouchareb in 1994.In 1975, 3 kids decide to escape a reeducation camp in the Vietnamese equatorial forest near Cambodia where the Amerasians are imprisoned, tortured both mentally and physically. Son, the hero is sent in that camp after her mother fails to find his father to send him away to America.Search the web for the title to find more information. You can find the poster of the movie on cineposters dot com.Kind of reminds me of Papillon or the Killing Fields though maybe a notch down in terms of realization... This movie is based on facts from the after war.
回复 :一名前海军陆战队军人,为保护他生病的女儿而对芝加哥的一名罪犯发起了一场战斗。