回复 :三个女人去酒吧打发时间,却意外地发现在克利夫兰,男人会对她们献殷勤。顿时,年轻与自信的感觉都回来了。因为克利夫兰的房租出奇的便宜,梅兰妮冲动地租下了一幢漂亮的房子。在一番思量后,三个女人决定留在克利夫兰,开始一段新的人生,于是各种爆笑不断上演。而且随屋附送的毒舌门房老太(老戏骨Betty White饰演), 也为她们的新生活,增加了“别样”的乐趣。
回复 :Henry Fallon, who is wheelchair bound and is suffering from a neurological disorder, apparently commits suicide and Morse has mixed feelings working on this case as he was once engaged to the dead man's wife, Susan Fallon. The body was found by his son-in-law Peter Rhodes, a local antiques dealer and the victim's wife was in London. When Fallon's doctor advises Morse that Henry didn't have the physical capability to hold a gun to his head, the police realize they may have a murder on their hands. When the police are told that the business arrangement between Fallon and Rhodes had fallen apart, they also have a suspect. Lewis is concerned that Morse is too close to Mrs. Fallon to be objective but in the end, the perpetrators are identified.
回复 :他这么做,全是为了这个家。好市民以身犯险,全家人麻烦缠身。《模范家族》I 8 月 12 日,Netflix 独家。