回复 :Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity.For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, marking the start-up of the biggest and most expensive experiment in the history of the planet, pushing the edge of human innovation.As they seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe, 10,000 scientists from over 100 countries joined forces in pursuit of a single goal: to recreate conditions that existed just moments after the Big Bang and find the Higgs boson, potentially explaining the origin of all matter. But our heroes confront an even bigger challenge: have we reached our limit in understanding why we exist?Directed by Mark Levinson, a physicist turned filmmaker, from the inspiration and initiative of producer David Kaplan and masterfully edited by Walter Murch (Apocalypse Now, The English Patient, The Godfather trilogy), Particle Fever is a celebration of discovery, revealing the very human stories behind this epic machine.
回复 :日本著名漫画家安达充早期经典作品 《阳光普照》考上明条高中的霞,为了方便上学而寄宿在阿姨家。孰料阿姨还把其它空房间租给与同校的四个男生!原本对男友克彦一心一意的霞,不知不觉间对其中吊儿郎当的高勇作起了好感。《阳光普照》1980年—1981年,《阳光普照》全5卷。于1982年TV电视剧化;1987年TV动画化;1988年剧场版《阳光普照—梦中有你》。TV动画 av3538036 全曲集 av2022695 OPED合集 av3538084 真人TV av3538270
回复 :有“小城普希金”之称的马匹配种站副站长肖立昆(刘烨 饰)出身杀猪世家却有一颗爱好诗歌的心;小城里最美的音乐老师江月娥(倪妮 饰)刚刚结束了一段失败的感情,在这时,她与立昆相遇了。仿若一见钟情的二人迅速步入婚姻殿堂,并有了儿子,看似美满的家庭却是堆积在谎言和秘密之上。婚后的立昆和月娥矛盾日益加剧,而这时,立昆发现了月娥似乎有事情隐瞒着自己且确认了月娥出轨的事实。无法再忍耐和谦让的二人离了婚,开始了争夺儿子的大战。事情的真相随着这场战斗被渐渐揭晓,自己的儿子可能不是自己亲生的,这让童年颇有阴影的立昆无法忍受,在爱与谎言间,他的抉择是……