  时间:2024-11-24 05:43:48

江南四大才子之首唐伯虎(郭德纲 饰)风流多才,红娘无数少女为之倾倒。在唐伯虎演唱会上,红娘华太师府安保部一姐秋香(姚迪 饰)为见偶像混入现场,终与唐伯虎同台献艺,然而天不遂人愿,当夜二人的约会因一场误会而告吹。另一方面,宁王觊觎唐伯虎地产,派出杀手毒砂掌(九孔 饰)将唐伯虎击入河水。华府侍女石榴(郭柯宇 饰)意外将唐伯虎救回华府,后者因受伤失去记忆,从此在华府以华安之名为仆。秋香发现失忆唐伯虎近在眼前,却苦无方法将其唤醒。宁王发出通缉令追索唐伯虎,又派出毒砂掌盗取华太师府中的夜明珠。苏州城内形势对唐伯虎愈发凶险,失忆大才子将何去何从?




回复 :Middle class student Bob Letellier enters a new world when he meets Alain, a free-thinking rebel who, along with his group of young Parisians, has opted for a life of instant gratification instead of work and commitment. At a party, Bob meets a young woman, Mic, who appears to be just as carefree and cynical as Alain. Mic's only dream is to own a luxury car, and with Bob's help, she manages to find the money to but it. Mic's friend Clo discovers she is pregnant and, not knowing who the father is, she asks Bob to marry her. When they next meet at a party, Bob and Mic deny that they have any feelings for one another - a declaration that soon leads to tragedy...Marcel Carné is widely regarded as one of the standard bearers of French quality cinema of the 1930s and 1940s, responsible for such masterpieces as Quai des brumes (1938) and Les Enfants du Paradis (1945). How ironic then that, in 1958, towards the end of his film-making career, he should make a film which dared to portray the attitudes and behaviour of the 1950s youth, in a way that effectively captures the mood and sentiment of the time.Les Tricheurs was a hugely controversial film, not least because of its blatant depiction of adolescent free-love, and was even banned in some regions of France. It also received some intensely unfavourable reviews, most notably from the young hotheads on the Cahiers du cinéma such as François Truffaut who cited this film as a prime example of the decline of French cinema into mediocrity. In spite of all this negative press, the film proved to be an astonishing commercial success, attracting five million cinema-goers, and was awarded the Grand Prix du Cinéma français in 1958.Whilst Les Tricheurs is not as flawless as Carné's earlier masterpieces, it is nonetheless a significant work, having the power to both shock and move its audience, whilst having great entertainment value. It evokes the mood of its time in a way that few French films of this period did, depicting young people as pleasure-seeking rebels, rejecting the austerity and discipline of the previous generation whilst pursuing a life without cares, responsibilities or love. Similarities with James Dean's films of the 1950s (most notably Rebel without a Cause) are apparent, although Carné's treatment of young people is far more abstract - in his film they merely symbolise a world that has lost its way, more or less victims of post-war prosperity. Although the young people in Les Tricheurs lack the authenticity to be totally credible, the film does make an important, and indeed quite disturbing point, about where the permissive society may be heading.Much of the pleasure of the film is in the performances from its four lead actors, Jacques Charrier, Pascale Petit, Laurent Terzieff and Andréa Parisy, although only Terzieff is really convincing in his role. Marcel Carné originally considered Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo for the parts of Bob and Alain respectively, before opting for Charrier and Terzieff. As a consolation, Carné offered Belmondo a smaller part in the film - alas too small for the actor to be noticed by the public. Belmondo's breakthrough had to wait until the following year when he starred in Jean-Luc Godard's revolutionary A bout de souffle, a film which offers a very different perspective of the youth generation.



回复 :甘日成是个颇负盛名的房地产大亨,一连串的经济不景气,搞得公司几乎周转不灵,后来听从女秘书的建议到大陆去尝试房地产生意,在秘书的表哥阿标的帮忙下颇有斩获,决定将事业转向大陆市场。另一方面,阿标表兄妹正在打甘日成财产的主意,除了让甘日成沉溺美色而不顾家庭,还叫表妹去勾引甘日成,而甘日成的老婆也因此而闹起家庭革命,阿标趁甘日成意志消沉之际,利用机会对甘日成的老婆行为不轨,并强暴了她,逼她签下授权书,将甘日成财产全部卷走,最后连老婆孩子也........



回复 :本片為1967年的俠情電影,由邵逸夫親自監製,高立導演。故事描述,宋代時候,西涼蠻兵入侵中原,武林正宗日月會總舵主洪鐘(楊志卿),被與敵酋勾結的鎮西府大將軍呂強(顧文宗)所殺,各路英雄聯袂同赴昆城龍靈寺,迎接新舵主沈秉義(張翼)密謀抗敵大計。期間,俠士之後葛黛雲(焦姣)及維族族長之女絲絲(虞慧)、濛濛(舒佩佩),三女同時傾慕沈。惟沈因國事為重,無心談及兒女私情,一一好言婉拒,率眾英雄與敵展開連場大血戰……

