回复 :“It is a film from an extended series. It is hard to say who is the main character of “The Soviet Elegy.” There are more than a hundred faces of our compatriots. But, of course, it is not by chance that it is the destiny of a famous political figure, Boris Nikolayevitch Yeltsin, that bears a special accent in the film. Though he got to power following quite typical ways, his uncommon character puts him out of the ordinary, and in the author’s opinion it may be determined by his uncommon human nature. Our hero exists within the tragic pattern of the soviet socialist life. He is a character of a drama, of which he is one of the authors. “The Soviet Elegy” can hardly be called a documentary film in the proper sense. Of course, the author guarantees the accuracy of chronology, but he insists on an artistic mode of thinking, not on a political or historical investigation.”
回复 :电视台战争胜局已定,火星台两个受欢迎节目“乜太与李”和“开心字典”,以百分之百收视击败败领台地球台,火星台节目主持人兼老板乜也气焰高涨,除了对自己属下员工荷刻之余,并想吞并地球台。正所为有人欢喜有人愁,地球台李老板竟要跳楼造新闻,增加收视,幸好女儿亚MAY赶至,令李老板回心转意,这时乜太来电,冷嘲热讽,李老板受不住刺激血管爆裂入院,要女儿挽救地球台。
回复 :白天羽(陈勋奇 饰)身为神刀门门主,却意外惨死在边城梅花庵,一晃眼二十年过去,白天羽的儿子傅红雪(狄龙 饰)长大成人,练就了一身了得的武功,发誓要为父亲报仇,于是踏上了前往边城,探寻真相的旅途。叶开(陈勋奇 饰)是白天羽和花白凤的儿子,他于偶然之中同傅红雪相遇,两人结伴而行。叶开爱上了万马堂堂主马空群的女儿马芳玲(袁洁莹 饰),然而马芳玲心仪的,却是沉默寡言的傅红雪,三人被卷入了一段复杂的三角关系之中。最终,两人终于发现,害死白天羽的,竟然正是白天羽信赖的挚友马空群。愤怒的傅红雪想要杀死马空群,却遭到了叶开的阻拦。