回复 :该片讲述了大脑异于常人的侦探程晨,因破获一宗扑朔迷离的蓄意谋杀案一举成名,继而不断接到各类案件并且均能轻松破获,也正因为异于常人的大脑,使他不幸陷入一个圈套,又意外接触到一宗案件,借助智慧化险为夷并且成功破案。
回复 :Kathy is a smart and tough 1950's advice columnist at a San Francisco newspaper, with her name plastered on billboards all over the city. One day, Bill Doyle, a Los Angeles detective, walks into her office - it is instant attraction. After marrying Bill, Kathy gives up her career and becomes a homemaker. However, she is not your typical 1950's homemaker. After hosting several cocktail parties in their San Fernando Valley home, she realizes that Bill is content with his position, and shows no ambition in furthering himself. Kathy will not sit idly by while everyone around her is "moving up in the world". She personally takes upon herself the task of pushing Bill's career along, even if it comes down to murder.@www.lightyear.club
回复 :Christina Von Belle, a wealthy heiress, is kidnapped by a lesbian terrorist group and held for ransom. She escapes the lesbian terrorists, only to fall into the clutches of a gang of gourmet chefs, who want a piece of the ransom themselves.