阿笨A celebrated author's story about a genetic experiment morphs into reality, when it is read by three strangers. Trapped in a room, the four discover that one of them must be killed to save the rest from an escaped undercover recruit.
阿笨A celebrated author's story about a genetic experiment morphs into reality, when it is read by three strangers. Trapped in a room, the four discover that one of them must be killed to save the rest from an escaped undercover recruit.
回复 :A celebrated author's story about a genetic experiment morphs into reality, when it is read by three strangers. Trapped in a room, the four discover that one of them must be killed to save the rest from an escaped undercover recruit.
回复 :一群情侣来到偏僻小岛上,他们想要在这里修复彼此之间糟糕的关系,万万没想到的是,有六个头的怪鲨鱼正在对他们虎视眈眈....
回复 :跑不开的回忆——《长跑者的寂寞》英国少年感化院里生活的少年犯了克林,因偷窃罪被囚,然而他于长跑的才华,令他受到高度重视,更获颁奖牌。不过,在漫长又孤独的集训中,他每每回忆起监禁前所遭遇的种种不幸。生活在这种矛盾之中,他对社会越来越不满,也充满了抵抗的态度。曾是英国“自由电影运动”热心分子的托尼·李察逊,以意识流手法探讨年轻人的叛逆心理,《长跑者的寂寞》可算是英国“愤怒派”代表性名作之一。