吉沢In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
吉沢In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
回复 :凯特(波茜娅·道布尔戴 Portia Doubleday 饰)是一个非常平凡的女生,梦想着能够成为一名职业服装设计师。可是入行了一段时间后凯特渐渐发现,只凭借自己目前的名气是永远都无法出人头地的,无奈之下,她只得加入了继母爱丽丝(罗伦·荷莉 Lauren Holly 饰)所开设的服装公司,开始了寄人篱下的生活。和凯特一起工作的,还有凯特的两个义姐塔尼斯(娜塔莉·科瑞尔 Natalie Krill 饰)以及西蒙尼(安娜·霍普金斯 Anna Hopkins 饰),本来就对妹妹看不顺眼的姐姐们自然不会给凯特什么好果子吃。一次偶然中,凯特发现姐姐们竟然抄袭别人的设计,东窗事发之后公司的声誉一落千丈,濒临破产的边缘。
回复 :小咪跟随奶奶来到香港投靠亲戚,随后流落到了花天酒地成为一名妓,在接客中遇到了贩毒集团的老大。老大将她们一众女人压作人质妄想逃脱警方的逮捕。最后小咪被歹徒连砍两刀,在临死前将贩毒老大杀死,瓦解了该集团。
回复 :After fighting in the Civil War, two Union Army buddies find themselves on opposite sides of the law with the post-war peace at risk.