回复 :《MASTER》由《绝密跟踪》导演曹义锡执导,围绕一起韩国建国以来最大规模的诈骗案件展开,讲述智能犯罪搜查队和高智商诈骗团伙之间一场侦查与反侦察的智勇博弈。最近在《局内人》中展现绝佳演技的李秉宪将再演反派,在片中饰演领导完美作案计划并拥有出色口才的OneNetwork 公司陈会长一角,他是这起大规模网络诈骗案件的幕后操控者。而姜栋元饰演追查案件的智能犯罪搜查队队长金宰明,凭借高智商和无懈可击领导能力,与陈会长展开正面对垒。值得一提的是,这将是姜栋元出道以来首次扮演警察角色。此外,新生代人气男星金宇彬将在片中出演陈会长的头号智囊“朴将军”,是一个聪明绝顶,在警察和陈会长之间活动自如游刃有余的角色。
回复 :准妈妈露西亚搬到了一个偏远的林间小屋和她的祖母一起居住。尽管四周看起来很安全,但露西亚被不详的记忆萦绕着,感觉“那家伙”会不惜一切来找她。。。
回复 :On November 25th, 1915, Einstein published his greatest work: general relativity. The theory transformed our understanding of nature's laws and the entire history of the cosmos, reaching back to the origin of time itself. Now, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Einstein's achievement, NOVA tells the inside story of Einstein's masterpiece. The story begins with the intuitive thought experiments that set Einstein off on his quest and traces the revolution in cosmology that is still playing out in today's labs and observatories. Discover the simple but powerful ideas at the heart of relativity, illuminating the theory-and Einstein's brilliance-as never before. From the first spark of an idea to the discovery of the expanding universe, the Big Bang, black holes, and dark energy, NOVA uncovers the inspired insights and brilliant breakthroughs of "the perfect theory."