回复 :The Sandy Hook massacre was considered a watershed moment in the national debate on gun control, but the body count at the hands of gun violence has only increased. Through the lens of the victims' families, as well as pro-gun advocates, we examine why our politicians have failed to act. World Premiere
回复 :William Shatner sits down with scientists| innovators and celebrities to discuss how the optimism of "Star Trek" influenced multiple generations.
回复 :因丢失尸体和爱人,罗伯特(Daktari Lorenz 饰)在绝望中以极其惨烈的方式自杀身亡。然而他的尸体并未因此得到宁静,仿佛命中注定一般,才被葬入黄土不久的罗伯特又被妙龄女郎莫妮卡(Monika M. 饰)挖了出来。莫妮卡和罗伯特一样,对死尸有着深深的迷恋,她和死去的罗伯特仿佛爱人似的生活在一起。某晚,莫妮卡在电影院门口邂逅马克(Mark Reeder 饰),两人随即开始交往。看似浪漫的爱情虽然让莫妮卡一度想要改掉怪异的爱好,但她仍然无法接受爱情的索然无味。直到某天,马克发现了女友的秘密,他们的关系开始朝着不可预测的方向发展……