消失Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
消失Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
回复 :凯斯特(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一个恐怖分子,他本想杀死探员西恩(约翰•特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰),却误杀了西恩的儿子,西恩更与凯斯特结下不共戴天之仇。在逮捕凯斯特归案之后,他以为可以划上句号,却得知凯斯特已经把一枚毒气炸弹投放在某个人群密集的角落。为了查出炸弹地点,西恩决定利用整形手术,将昏迷中的凯斯特的脸换在自己身上,去假扮凯斯特身份套出他弟弟说出真相。这件事属于FBI高度机密,只有寥寥几人知情。凯斯特醒来,此时他有着西恩的面相。于是他决定将计就计,将知情人杀掉之后,他就变成了西恩……
回复 :《七品神探》故事讲述了明英宗正统年间府衙推官赵铭久不畏权贵,秉公执法,屡破奇案的历程。全片通过一系列看似零散的小故事把赵铭久武艺高强,刚正不阿,神勇机智,忠于职守的形象特点展现在观众面前。
回复 :一支由5位掉漆警探组成的缉毒小组,因办事不力被长官钉得满头包,成天埋伏在毒贩巢穴对面的炸鸡店中监视,案情也毫无进展。既然每天都得待在炸鸡店,不如动手卖起炸鸡,看似无厘头的决定,竟让鲁蛇警探们意外找到事业第二春,卖到吓吓叫的神级美味炸鸡,让餐厅一夕爆红,订单电话接到手软!副业做太大的警探们有办法达成使命吗?对面的毒贩又是否会闻香而来呢?