丹尼Creator of "Sons of Anarchy" Kurt Sutter presents stories of real American outlaws, touching on everything from L.A. gangs to the Italian Mafia.
丹尼Creator of "Sons of Anarchy" Kurt Sutter presents stories of real American outlaws, touching on everything from L.A. gangs to the Italian Mafia.
回复 :印度空军除了对抗叛军,要与温度、地形、前所未见的极端气象和稀薄的空气搏斗。本片带观众深入印度空军幕后,看他们如何面对最困难的情况,在充满挑战的环境中执行任务,并介绍他们最先进的设施和冒生命危险保卫国家的空军。
回复 :该片以“丹宸永固”大展、养心殿研究性保护项目、古建岁修保养为线索,通过故宫博物院古建部、修缮技艺部、工程处、文保科技部、考古部等故宫人的工作视角,踏上故宫再发现之旅。纪录片聚焦古建修缮保护,记录宫墙之内悉心呵护故宫的匠人,展现宫墙之外的天下人与这座城池发生奇妙的关联,讲述紫禁城青春永驻的故事。
回复 :Prime Video announced that the eight-episode docuseries Tampa Baes will drop this fall.The streaming service briefly teased the series on social media, introducing its subjects as “the young lesbian ‘it-crowd’ navigating and celebrating life in Tampa Bay — Florida’s LGBTQ+ hub and the place to see and be seen.” The titular Tampa baes are friends, of course, but sometimes more than that, too. Movers and shakers, they’re “always ready for an adventure or a good party” but they reportedly have a serious side as well. The official description characterizes the cast as “ambitious and unapologetic while constantly battling stereotypes and labels.”