剧情As a silly frat boy prank, Young Sid is boiled in a tub of acid. Years later he returns to wreak havoc on the new generation of brothers in his old fraternity.
剧情As a silly frat boy prank, Young Sid is boiled in a tub of acid. Years later he returns to wreak havoc on the new generation of brothers in his old fraternity.
回复 :A young woman, who has a chance to save the love of her life when she discovers that the mixtape they made together can transport her back in time.
回复 :聚焦一群资深雇佣兵的故事。讲述了敢死小队最后一次集结,登上外海一艘满载核弹的货轮,开展一场阻止巨轮核弹爆炸的惊天行动。
回复 :西西(弗兰卡·波坦特 Franka Potente 饰)是一名性格十分内向,少言寡语的护士。虽然个性羞怯,但西西十分懂得如何照顾旁人,总是将她的耐心和爱心分享给周遭的朋友们,因此每个人都很喜欢这个可爱文静的姑娘。一场意外中,小偷波多(本诺·福尔曼 Benno Fuehrmann 饰)驾车逃跑不巧撞到了正在过马路的西西,西西陷入了昏迷之中,性命垂危。在这个节骨眼上,是罪魁祸首波多果断而又机智的挽回了西西的性命,将她送进了医院。对于波多来说,西西只是他惊险刺激的人生里的一场小小的意外,可对于西西而言,她和波多的相遇犹如命中注定。康复后的西西踏上了寻找波多的旅途。