想要抓住尚未见过梦想的春日未来。憧憬成为偶像的最上静香。不知晓全力以赴能获得什么的伊吹翼。被偶像的光芒给引导的3人所等待她们的是全新的伙伴。当39位偶像一同向 "梦想" 伸出手抓住的时候,午夜剧场将诞生出百万的光芒!午夜
想要抓住尚未见过梦想的春日未来。憧憬成为偶像的最上静香。不知晓全力以赴能获得什么的伊吹翼。被偶像的光芒给引导的3人所等待她们的是全新的伙伴。当39位偶像一同向 "梦想" 伸出手抓住的时候,午夜剧场将诞生出百万的光芒!午夜
回复 : 《龙腾湾区欢乐年——2024粤港澳大湾区除夕特别节目》剧情围绕2024龙年除夕,羊城笑星黄俊英饰演老华侨回乡过年并计划投资湾区,由此引发众亲朋之间的各种趣事展开,串联起粤港澳三地艺人的精彩演绎。
回复 :《PRODUCE 48》是韩国Mnet在2018年推出,由韩国多家经纪公司、以及日本AKB48集团两方的旗下艺人共同演出的选拔/生存实境节目,为《PRODUCE 101》系列节目的第三季。参赛者在节目中将会同吃同住、完成各种任务。选拔方式与前作相同,参赛者国籍与赛制并无相关,仅限韩国观众可参与投票,最后获选的12名成员将会组成一个团体,以该团体身份活动2年6个月。
回复 :The night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths and awe for as long as there have been people. A desire to comprehend the Universe may well be humanity's oldest shared intellectual experience. Yet only recently have we truly begun to grasp our place in the vast cosmos. To learn about this journey of celestial discovery, from the theories of the ancient Greek astronomers to today's grandest telescopes, we invite you to experience From Earth to the Universe. This stunning, 30-minute voyage through space and time - the world's first free download-able full-dome planetarium movie - conveys, through sparkling sights and sounds, the Universe revealed to us by science. Viewers can revel in the splendor of the worlds in the Solar System and our scorching Sun. From Earth to the Universe takes the audience out to the colorful birthplaces and burial grounds of stars, and still further out beyond the Milky Way to the unimaginable immensity of ...