母乳An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere with) their lives.
母乳An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere with) their lives.
回复 :Brussels. Leo, a Spanish metro driver, while conducting his train and arriving at a station, sees a young man in distress on the edge of the platform. He recognizes his son Hugo right before he falls onto the rails and then dies at the hospital. Leo, who had not seen his son for years, will discover that he was involved in a bloody heist. While on the trail of his son’s murdere...
回复 :爱情如果能够储存,是活期还是定期?利息又是什么?何沐阳(夏雨 饰)开设了一家名为“爱情银行”的咖啡馆,恋人们可以来这把对彼此的告白储存一年,如果一年以后分手,没有来取回视频,视频就会被销毁,押金就归爱情银行所有,这也是爱情银行特殊的经营之道。一个名叫余小鱼(周泓 饰)的女孩为拿回男朋友存在这的爱情视频,与何沐阳展开了旷日持久的拉锯战。在这场妙趣横生的“战斗”中,一种特殊的情感在两人之间慢慢滋生,何沐阳开设爱情银行的真正来由,一段十年情感的秘密也随之被揭开……
回复 :20世纪80年代末,苏联情报机构克格勃迎来了新一任掌门人瓦西列夫(艾力克·高敦 Eric Godon 饰)。随着他的上任,克格勃和美国中央情报局CIA的谍战平衡被打破,诸多潜伏苏联的CIA探员被捕,局势分外紧张。在此大环境下,军人后代安娜(萨莎·露丝 Sasha Luss 饰)却过着颓废堕落的生活。当处于人生最低点时,她被招募进了克格勃。凭借出众的外貌以及卓越的领悟力,安娜很快成为一名出色干练的特工。此后的岁月里,她如同一台无情的杀人机器,按照组织的命令处决了一个又一个目标。但是在安娜的内心最深处,她时刻渴望重新获得自由。遗憾的是瓦西列夫决不允许有任何一名克格勃活着退出组织,在绝望之际,安娜的命运走到了十字路口……