When your mouth can't speak. The sins in the world are witnesses that produce the painful torment of Hell.
When your mouth can't speak. The sins in the world are witnesses that produce the painful torment of Hell.
回复 :Based on an allegedly real-life paranormal case that occurred in Mardin, a Southeastern Anatolian city.
回复 :三摩地系列纪录片第三部。
回复 :在看似平常的合租公寓里,住着两个不普通的年轻人,他们一位是怀揣演员梦想、潇洒不羁的阔少王子皓,一位是失业低迷的高傲女强人梦露。梦露因为囊中羞涩而招租离家出走的王子皓,没想到本来安静的生活从此便被近乎疯魔的王子皓打乱了阵脚,梦露想赶走王子皓,但又忌惮于高额的违约金,于是便请来男闺蜜马兵入住,计划让王子皓不战而退,两人协同作战,想尽了一切恶搞大法,却发现这些手段对王子皓毫无作用力,反而遭受了对方的恶搞回击,苦不堪言,在此期间马兵发现了王子皓的秘密,原来……