回复 :Prey is coming to Hulu August 5“Prey,” an all-new action-thriller from 20th Century Studios directed by Dan Trachtenberg (“The Boys,” “10 Cloverfield Lane”) and the newest entry in the “Predator” franchise, will stream August 5, 2022, exclusively on Hulu.Set in the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, “Prey” is the story of a young woman, Naru, a fierce and highly skilled warrior. She has been raised in the shadow of some of the most legendary hunters who roam the Great Plains, so when danger threatens her camp, she sets out to protect her people. The prey she stalks, and ultimately confronts, turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal, resulting in a vicious and terrifying showdown between the two adversaries.“Prey” is directed by Dan Trachtenberg, written by Patrick Aison (“Jack Ryan,” “Treadstone”), and produced by John Davis (“Jungle Cruise,” “The Predator”) and Jhane Myers (“Monsters of God”), with Lawrence Gordon (“Watchmen”), Marty Ewing (“It: Chapter Two”), James E. Thomas, John C. Thomas and Marc Toberoff (“Fantasy Island”) serving as executive producers.The filmmakers were committed to creating a film that provides an accurate portrayal of the Comanche and brings a level of authenticity that rings true to its Indigenous peoples. Myers, an acclaimed filmmaker, Sundance Fellow and member of the Comanche nation herself, is known for her attention and dedication to films surrounding the Comanche and Blackfeet nations and her passion for honoring the legacies of the Native communities. As a result, the film features a cast comprised almost entirely of Native and First Nation’s talent, including Amber Midthunder (“The Ice Road,” “Roswell, New Mexico”), newcomer Dakota Beavers, Stormee Kipp (“Sooyii”), Michelle Thrush (“The Journey Home”), Julian Black Antelope (“Tribal”).
回复 :于中秋(刘雨欣 饰)样貌普通,资质平平,是一个彻头彻尾的屌丝女,然而,这并没能够阻止她对于未来心怀着无限的幻想和憧憬。柳青青(杜沁怡 饰)这辈子最值得骄傲的事情便是交了一个帅哥男友(安钧璨 饰)。黛西(刘羽琦 饰)一辈子都在追寻金钱和美,为了得到它们,黛西愿意不惜一切代价。宋晓慈(徐立 饰)尽管加入豪门成为了阔太太,却依然自强不息,走出家庭自立门户。四位年龄和个性截然不同的女性,她们隶属于同一个集团,是同时,是朋友,亦是竞争对手。一次偶然中,于中秋结识了霸道总裁黎家俊(立威廉 饰),她甩掉了前男友,战胜了情敌,最终能否抱得美男归呢?
回复 :公元2046年,科技发展之下,为人类服务的机器人已经非常普遍,智能机器人K-1(方力申 饰)被秘密派到小镇协同人类执行警务,受警察队长徐大春(胡军 饰)监管。化名“德明”的K-1外表不凡,风流倜傥,内置程序支持完美社交模式,很快赢得小镇女人的欢心,女警素梅(孙俪 饰)也对他芳心暗许,惹得暗恋素梅的大春大吃飞醋。两人明争暗斗正欢,那边厢体内程序出现偏差的机器人K-88(吴京 饰)到处惹祸,德明和大春联手前去缉拿,大战七十二回合之后,K-88一番“机器人也要自由”的理论撼动了德明,不明真相的素梅也唤起德明内心只有人类才有的爱……