回复 :电影《榴花正红》以枣庄市选聘离岗退休干部到村任职和大学生村官工作为题材,以社会主义新农村建设的伟大实践为背景,以弘扬党的先进性为主旋律,以到村任职离岗退休干部宋茂胜等同志为原型,主要拍摄地为山亭、市中、峄城、台儿庄,熊耳山大裂谷、冠世榴园、台儿庄古城、新城凤鸣湖等枣庄市的风景名胜均被搬上了电影,并以实名制在影片中出现。
回复 :来着YouTube上面的恶搞大神们这次再次倾巢而出,各种爆笑恶搞,挑战各种街头恶搞,一场场精心策划的恶搞方案令不少路人哭笑不得...
回复 :Mr. Tomasz, who sometimes introduced himself as Tomasz the Vagabond, was called by his friends Mr. Samochodzik. He owed his nickname to an unusual vehicle inherited from his uncle-inventor. This car, although ugly, "a cross between a canoe and a wheelbarrow", as the malicious people called it, had incredible capabilities: with a Ferrari 410 engine, it could run at a speed of 280 km per hour. Thanks to the screw used, it served as a motor boat. In this vehicle, Mr. Tomasz went to Poland to decipher another historical mystery, to catch thieves and smugglers trying to steal valuable historic items. Treasure hunting is great, but... it's better that no one interferes with it... In the meantime, some Danes and a suspicious group of Polish youth follow the trail of Mr. Samochodzik's search in the Teutonic castles and the headquarters of the Templars. To find the treasure you need a lot of knowledge, cunning and... a lot of luck. Who will have more?