  时间:2025-01-18 16:06:17

激战江南Fernando Di Leo's "Milano Calibro 9" is an out-and-out masterpiece of Italian Crime cinema and, in my opinion, one of the most astonishing crime stories ever told. The first film in Di Leo's excellent 'Milieu' trilogy, "Milano Calibro 9" was followed by "La Mala Ordina" (aka. "Manhunt", also 1972) and the brilliant "Il Boss" (1973). The three films are not connected story-wise, but all three are excellent, and highly realistic portrayals of organized crime. As far as I am concerned "Manhunt" is (allthough excellent) slightly inferior to this one and "Il Boss" which both stand out as absolute all-time highlights of crime cinema. "Milano Calibro 9" is the best of them all, a film that is astonishing in all aspects, be it the ingenious plot that, apart from a compelling story and clever twists, includes social criticism, the performances, the gritty atmosphere and suspense or the brilliant score. I can hardly find the right words to express my admiration for this masterpiece which easily ranks among the greatest Gangster flicks ever brought to screen.Gastone Moschin stars as Ugo Piazza, a tough and elliptical ex-convict who has just been released from prison. Immediately after his release, Ugo is approached by members of the Milan mob lead by the irascible gangster Rocco (Mario Adorf), as they suspect him to be responsible for the disappearance of a large sum of money belonging to their boss, an American (Lionel Stander) who controls the organized crime in Milan..."Milano Calibro 9" is a film that delivers an astonishingly realistic mood of the underworld like hardly another. The intriguing storyline goes in hand with interesting characters, raw atmosphere, suspense and breathtaking action, social criticism and brutal violence. The film is simply stunning from the beginning to the end, which is even intensified by the brilliant score, a collaboration of the famous composer Luis Enríquez Bacalov and the Italian Progressive Rock band Osanna. Ugo Piazza must be one of the most charismatic gangster characters ever in cinema, and Gastone Moschin was the prefect choice for the role. Moschin delivers a brilliant performance, and the rest of the cast is also great. Mario Adorf is irascible like a rabid dog as the ferocious gangster Rocco, a role that fits him like a glove. The great Lionel Stander fits perfectly in his role of the American Mafia Don.The two cop characters in the film are played by two of the greatest regulars of Italian genre-cinema, Luigi Pistilli and Frank Wolff (who committed suicide before the film was released). The ravishing Barbara Bouchet is astonishing and incredibly sexy in the role of Ugo Piazza's stripper girlfriend. Bouchet is both a stunning beauty and an excellent actress and this is doubtlessly one of her most memorable roles. This is also a political film and director Di Leo embedded a lot of social criticism about topics like corruption. This film simply has everything one can possibly desire in cinema. Films like "Milano Calibro 9" are the reason why I love cinema. This is an absolute masterpiece in all regards and, without exaggeration, one of the greatest Crime flicks ever made! The ingenious opening scene alone is more memorable than most films get in two hours.




回复 :1917年,中国西南边陲的刘家村。刘金喜(甄子丹 饰)和妻子阿玉(汤唯 饰)共同抚养两个儿子方正和晓天,日子平淡且幸福。直到某一天,两个不速之客打破了刘家村的平静,也摧毁着金喜一家的生活。这二人企图洗劫村中的钱柜,被刚好在此的金喜撞见,一阵混乱打斗,二匪稀里糊涂被金喜打死。由于其中一人是政府通缉的要犯,因此县官大喜过望,村里人也将金喜奉为大英雄。但是,这看似普普通通的盲打误杀却引起一个人的怀疑,他名叫徐百九(金城武 饰),是县衙的捕快。从蛛丝马迹上来看,二匪系死于武功高强人之手,徐百九由此留在村里,对金喜展开了连番的观察、调查与试探。在这一过程中,金喜神秘的真实身份渐渐浮出水面,而刘家村也面临着一场空前的危机……



回复 :电影主要讲述一个自私自利的企业老板、一群起早贪黑的农民工,两个社会阶层之间利益的较量随着“没钱结婚”、“上学贷款”、“筹钱看病”等在追讨工资的囧途上,发生了诸多啼笑皆非而引人深思的故事。《钱在囧途》用一个平凡的故事,圈出了一群不平凡的人:吝啬抠门的老板刘宏图(林雪饰演)、狡猾设套的塑料兄弟郑德财(连晋饰演)、缺钱结婚的农民工柱子(彭波饰演)、贷款供弟弟上大学的缸子(于杪鑫饰演)、保镖三人组的大哥张强(张子晨饰演)、寻求更好生活的间谍秘书小丽(田子琳饰演)、家庭事业两不误的女精英(赵千紫饰演)等等。将社会各阶层小人物关于爱情、生活、伤害、欺骗的众生相以荒诞的形式呈现在银幕之上。



回复 :当他们第一次见面,他是高谈阔论的有志青年,她是向往成为名演员的未来之星。而如今,婚后的他们变了。他变成了在公司做不喜欢工作的无聊上班族,她成了不入流的糟糕演员。在一次演出后,丈夫弗兰克(莱奥纳多•迪卡布莱里奥饰)与妻子爱波(凯特•温斯莱特饰)大动肝火,两人多年的积怨终于爆发。莫非婚姻真的躲不过七年之痒?悲痛的爱波整理照片,发现弗兰克年轻的照片,想起他曾经描述的“美好的巴黎”,她提出了一个计划“全家搬到巴黎”,以拯救这个家庭。但是,这看似遥不可及的计划,却成为了催化剂,将两人推向婚姻更痛苦的深渊。©豆瓣

