独行Following the death of her father, a 17-year-old girl is sent to live with her estranged family and finds comfort in a questionable friendship with a self-destructive neighbor, leading both on a startling path to self discovery.
独行Following the death of her father, a 17-year-old girl is sent to live with her estranged family and finds comfort in a questionable friendship with a self-destructive neighbor, leading both on a startling path to self discovery.
回复 :曾有过一次失败婚姻的上班族加贺美淳(安田显 饰)和第二任妻子千惠(荣仓奈奈 饰)已经结婚三年了,对他来说“三年之痒”近在眼前,他和妻子都必须好好考虑一下是否有必要继续维持这段婚姻。某晚下班回家,加贺美恐惧地发现千惠倒在血泊之中,但他很快发现,原来妻子在用这种方法逗他开心。原本以为只是一时兴起而为之,谁知此后每天千惠都要花样百出地死在加贺美面前。加贺美一面费尽心力配合老婆的演出,一面还要苦苦思索千惠这番作为背后的真意。为此他向职场好友佐野(大谷亮平 饰)大吐苦水,然而对方看似美满的婚姻也有着无法逾越的鸿沟。妻子的表演仍在继续,他们的婚姻将何去何从……电影取材自2010年在日本雅虎知惠袋上的提问,提问者写下的妻子奇特行为当时在网络上引起很大反响。
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回复 :Captain Fedor Volkonogov is part of the law enforcement system. He is appreciated by the commander and respected by colleagues. But the moment comes for Captain's life to take the abrupt turn - he is criminally charged. Captain manages to escape prior to the arrest turning in a split of the second into prey hunted down by ex-colleagues. At night Fedor receives the warning from the afterlife that he is destined for Hell and eternal torments. Though Captain still has a chance to change the destiny and be accepted to Heaven under condition that he repents and at least one person grants him sincere forgiveness. Fedor sets on a mission to find absolution without idea of the trials he is to face on this route.