回复 :英国BBC最新电视剧《尘归尘》是《火星生活》的衍生剧。英国电视剧《Life on Mars》(火星生活) 曾获英国电视学院奖及国际艾美奖,ABC已在翻拍美版。这部剧集科幻(尤其是时间旅行)题材与警匪片于一身,说的是曼城的一个警探山姆-泰勒,在办案中被车撞倒在地,从昏迷中醒来后发现自己回到了1973年,成为警探吉恩-亨特的下属。很容易想像成《回到未来》那样的喜剧片,第一季刚开始的时候确实有吉恩和山姆鸡同鸭讲而闹出的笑话,但很快转而描述他们之间的冲突,山姆崇尚21世纪的办案方式;而吉恩作为一个70年代的警探经常是把认定有罪的嫌疑人先抓起来打一顿再说。此外,现在最爱热议的问题是山姆的来历,他到底是真的穿越回到过去?还是说,一切不过是他车祸昏迷中做的梦?亦或是他根本就是1973年的一名精神病人?现在BBC出品的新剧《Ashes to Ashes》,讲的则是8年后(1981年)吉恩-亨特的故事。Gene Hunt警探再次归来,但他不再是那个自我风格的曼彻斯特治安官,坦白地说由于他可靠的伙伴...
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回复 :Hugely successful British comedy about of two streetwise London brothers: Del (Derek) and Rodney Trotter. In early years they shared their council flat with 'Grandad' (until the death of actor 'Lennard Pierce' ) later to be replaced by 'Uncle Albert', a WWII Navy veteran with an anecdote for any occasion. Del and Rodney are best described as lovable and harmless black market traders; they buy and (try to) sell almost anything and many an episode is based around some faulty/stolen stock bought by Del. As with other comedies from writer John Sullivan, the humor is devilishly engineered so as not to telegraph the jokes before the punchlines and there's always a strong cast of support characters. The series has won countless awards and ratings battles.