无码The hilarious adventures of a group of creatures a twig, a pebble, a leaf and a strawberry who live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of equally unkempt humans whom they mistake for gods.
无码The hilarious adventures of a group of creatures a twig, a pebble, a leaf and a strawberry who live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of equally unkempt humans whom they mistake for gods.
回复 :时为公元二二〇五年。 是以改变历史为目的的“历史修正主义者”开始对过去实施攻击的时代。 被赋予了守护历史这一使命的“审神者”,由他们所唤起的最强付丧神“刀剑男士”。 这是,他们以“某个本丸”为舞台,一心一意、开朗明快地生活的“花丸”物语——
回复 :战国时代,号称霸王的织田信长,在现代日本复活了。但,却是以柴犬的样貌!与信长同时代的战场名将们,也全都转生成了狗。现代的群雄割据,是在遛狗场中……!?
回复 :An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actually does exist.The show started as a short pilot on a YouTube channel owned by Olan Rogers who became popular for his story telling.